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Identify the reasons of roof leaks
with our devices
The advantage is the ability to check the roof immediately without the need for a roof leak, because the spark test requires an electrically conductive substrate.
You can find holes with confidence and without the need for water in the roof!
So no unnecessary moisture in the thermal insulation!
Without CONTROFOIL membrane?
Too bad. It could have been easy. You can check only a new roof if it shows the signs of leaking after heavy rain.
For measurement, water must penetrate through the damages and create sufficient moisture to create an electrically conductive substrate for use the HVET test.
You will only find damages through which it is already leaking into the roof.
There will find the damages, but the useless high moisture or even water will remain in the roof layers!
Roof with CONTROFOIL detection foil
The HVET or integrity test works without the need for a leaking of the roof
Step 1:Install CONTROFOIL under the waterproofing membranes
Step 2:Use a High Voltage Leak (spark) detector to check the entire flat roof.

Roof without CONTROFOIL membrane?
The hvet or integrity test only works if the roof is leaking and there is moisture in the roof.
Step 1: Use an impedance hygrometer to locate moisture in the roof structure
(smaller RWS DETECTOR or larger DEC SCANNER )
Step 2: Localized damp areas of the roof can now be inspected
with the CONTROFOIL DETECTOR High Voltage Leak (spark) detector for finding roof leaks.

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